So why are there so many “Pet Urine Odor Removers” sold in grocery stores or online. You would think with all of the different products sold, the whole “Urine Odor Thing” would be figured out by now…correct? Maybe there are so many products sold because most of them do not work! What do you think? Well, the one thing I can tell you as a carpet cleaner is that 99% of urine odor removers DO NOT WORK! Why is that? Honestly, the main reason is because most product designers and chemist do not understand how odor works and how to remove it! They are called “Product Designers” for a reason…to make money! But, in the end, these products are a huge waste of money!

I know, I know, some of you have your doubts…right? Your probably saying, so most of these urine odor control sprays or solutions don’t work. Then why do companies sell them? Just read the paragraph above for your answer. So why are lemons and oranges always used in urine odor control products? The reason is, lemons and oranges are natural and smell great…that’s it…nothing more! But, all because something smells good, does not mean it will remove odor! You see, odor is more than just a smell…good or bad. Pet urine odor is actually bacterial growth, and therefore, you have an odor derived from harmful bacteria…that’s why it stinks! So to get rid of the odor, you must have something that destroys bacteria correct? The answer is Yes and No.

If you recognize and pretreat a pet urine spot immediately, then bacteria does not have time to grow! If you leave it alone and do nothing, bacteria will grow and begin to smell…period! So are there natural remedies to help eliminate pet urine odor? The answer is yes! And of course you guessed it…lemons!

Yes, lemons work great on pet urine odor if caught early enough. The good news is lemons are 100% natural and leave ZERO toxins behind…not even VOC’S. If your curious, VOC’S stand for “Volatile Organic Compounds” that are hazardous to your health. In this case, lemons are natural, so no need to worry! Just an FYI, always use REAL LEMONS for pretreatment. Fake lemon juice is basically citric acid and will not work the same! Below are instructions on how to use lemons for pet urine odor removal.

1. Determine size of urine spot
2. Blot urine spot with White Terry Cloth until there are no signs of urine remaining. Blot only!
3. Squeeze 1 full lemon into a small glass or container.
4. Mix 2-3 ounces of cold water with lemon juice.
5. Pour solution directly on urine spot and let sit for 5 minutes
6. Blot lemon juice solution until dry. Continue until desired results are achieved.

You can repeat steps 1-6 as many times deemed necessary. Just make sure your are blotting and removing the excess lemon solution well! If you leave too much solution behind, it can cause further staining issues such a browning. Removing as much urine in step 1, and then removing as much of the lemon solution is step 6 are the most important steps. You can use a fan to dry the affected area. The lemon juice will deodorize the urine spot and reduce the yellowing.