As a pet owner, I understand that sometimes our furry little friends pick some of the most
upsetting places to handle their business. This can be an extremely irritating situation, and in
some cases require professional care. Urine is an extremely acidic substance and can cause
damage to your leather Sofa, Rug, Clothing, and personal items. This is due to the enzymes,
bacteria, and proteins found within pet urine, this makes it extremely important to handle the
situation quickly, and correctly as the longer, it stays the more it will smell, and become
stubborn to remove. Luckily, there are many precautions, and actions you can take to mitigate
or even solve the situation depending on the severity. To find the correct solution for you we
must determine the severity of the damage, we recommend contacting us or viewing this article.

White Vinegar – White Distilled Vinegar is one of the best cleaning products you will find, this is
because it is %100 natural, and removes the nasty bacteria, and mercaptans that cause odor,
and unsanitary conditions. Leather acts as a sponge, and will naturally soak up any liquids that
come into contact, most upholstery leathers are finished with a wax or protectant, but urine can
still penetrate, and soak into the leather.
Step One – Take paper towels, or rags, and soak up as much of the urine on the leather
surface, this will allow the leather to soak up the Vinegar and sanitize while removing deep
Step Two – Create a 50/50 mix of White Distilled Vinegar and Water in a bowl. The amount
used will vary depending on the cleaning surface area but a good starting point is 1-2 cups of
Water, and Vinegar.
Step Three – Take the solution and apply it to the leather surface with a white rag, or cloth.
Make sure the leather has soaked up as much of the solution as possible.
Step Four – Find a well-ventilated area, and allow the leather to dry completely, you can then
add a leather conditioner or protector of your choice.
Enzyme Cleaner – This method works best for leather clothes, and covers but will also work
with most other leather upholstery.
Step One – You will want to gather a plastic tub or another leather-safe container, you should
then proceed to remove any covers from couch cushions or pillows.
Step Two – Take a leather-safe enzyme cleaner, and apply a generous amount to the surface of
the leather. Make sure to allow the leather to be completely, and equally covered by the cleaner.
Step Three – Let the leathers dry, the length of time will depend on environmental conditions,
and the size of the cleaning surface, if the smell persists repeat this process until the odor is
Step Four – To prevent the leather from cracking you should apply a leather conditioner or
protector of your choice you can apply this process before or after you reassemble any covers.