Do you ever wish you could deter your fur baby from going to certain areas in your house? Most dog owners are almost too familiar to the fact that dogs like to chew and get into… well almost anything. Dogs are inherently curious animals and sometimes scavenge items that they shouldn’t. Some everyday household items that may be okay to humans, are found to be really unsafe for dogs to consume. You can protect your things, and your dog by using a simple homemade hack with Chili powder. We’ve taken the time to list some potentially dangerous everyday items that could be harmful to your dog without you even knowing it, as well as some solutions where you could use Chili powder to keep your puppy safe.

An item some home and dog owners may not think about possibly being harmful is plants. Some popular plants such as Aloe Vera, Ivy, Jade plants, and elephant ears, to name a few, are poisonous and can possibly cause death if ingested by dogs. Another, more widely known household item that is toxic to dogs is cleaning products. We as humans know that cleaners and pest control products are extremely unsafe to animals and even humans if used improperly, but curious pets could still try to investigate these harmful substances.

Furthermore, moving away from toxicity, as dog owners, we know that they can create a somewhat of a mess sometimes. Most, if not all dogs, absolutely love to find out what you have been discarding into your trash can, leaving a trail of debris for you as their owner to clean up. Not only this, inevitably accidents will probably be had on your nice carpet. Therefore, causing the guardian to stop what they’re doing and clean up the mess. If the situation gets bad enough, even having to call a carpet cleaning expert.

Now, why use a Chili powder method over just going out and buying a dog repellent? As you may know, certain repellents and deterrents on the market can be a bit pricey. Some even costing up to sixty dollars for a gallon spray solution. The Chili powder method only costs as much as the spice itself, water, and the spray bottle resulting in around ten dollars. Next unless you read the ingredient label, we have no idea what chemicals and ingredients were subjecting out dogs to whereas the chili pepper has a natural chemical found within the chili pepper which serves as an irritant to the dogs nose, consequently deterring the dog from the scent, allowing you as the caregiver to know exactly what substance your dog is coming into contact with.

 If you simply add a little bit of chili powder diluted with water into a spray bottle and spray the areas and items you want to keep your dog away from, you’re not only saving yourself from buying expensive dog repellent spray, you can also have the ease of mind knowing that according to our research on the internet, this homemade method will not harm your furry friends as they are only smelling it, and there is not enough when sprayed onto the substance to ingest it.