I guess the title says it all, but this topic is definitely worth discussing because of its importance! Carpet drying is still a question that we get often, and yet, it continues to be a topic of discussion in the carpet cleaning community and forums. The reason “carpet drying” is so important is that it leads to either a successful or failed carpet cleaning. Let’s talk about it.

Due to the nature of this topic, we will give facts not fiction and myths about drying carpet efficiently and effectively! The problem is that too many consumers and companies do not understand humidity rates before and after a carpet cleaning. Not knowing or understanding this can be detrimental to cleaning carpet with successful results. In the end, the carpet is either dried correctly or it’s not, there is no in between!

1. In order for carpet to dry correctly, it must be cleaned correctly! Your carpet drying starts with the technician cleaning your carpet…period! In order for your carpet to dry correctly, the carpet MUST be dry-stroked to remove as much moisture from the carpet as possible! If not, the carpet is left too wet and can seep into the carpet backing and padding causing excessive drying times that can lead to mold and mildew problem…not good! Also, it’s just a simple fact that too much moisture takes longer to dry, it’s that simple!

2. The humidity level within the home, if high, should be brought down to a lower level before cleaning the carpet. If the home has a high humidity level before cleaning, then you are stacking moisture on top of moisture and the drying process will take much longer.

3. One the carpet is cleaned, then removing as much humidity as fast as possible is key to a successful carpet cleaning. It’s not difficult to do, but if not done correctly, then a poor result is possible. After the cleaning, make sure there is proper ventilation to remove any excess moisture from the carpet and air. Basically, you want to create a draft through your home. To do this, you want to open a window in the front and rear of your home causing a draft to pull air through as fast as possible. Once windows are opened, you may not feel the draft, but it’s there and it will work! If weather conditions are optimal (no rain) then leave the windows open for up to 1 hour to exhaust and excess moisture.

4. After window draft has been set for 1 hour, close all windows and dump your air conditioner settings to anywhere between 65 – 70 degrees cool. Doing this will allow the cool air to dehumidify the air within your home allowing the carpet to dry faster! This process is no different than how you body reacts to cold air in the winter. Basically, the cool air draws the moisture from your body and dehydrates you! This is why you skin gets so dry in the winter requiring you to use lotions to rehydrate your skin.

5. Air movement is also key! If you have ceiling fans, use them! Turn them on high and let them run for as long as it takes. The truth is, if you follow these instructions, the total drying time should not take long. If you have floor fans, then use them! The bottom line, you cannot have too many fans moving air.

After a carpet cleaning, just take your time and follow these instructions. It only takes a few minutes to get this done properly so your carpet will dry correctly. Honestly, it’s really following the process that determines whether your successful or not.