Here we are going to discuss whether canine bacteria (disease causing bacteria) can reside in carpet. As we all know, there are many canine diseases that cause severe illness in our pets. But, can these diseases reside in carpet to create future illnesses. So, canines and carpet…do they mix? Let’s talk about it.

First, what are the types of canine diseases/illness are we referring to. Well, there is Distemper, Hepatitis, Kennel Cough and Rabies. Then there are internal parasites such as Ascarids, Roundworms, Tapeworms, Heart worms and fleas. The question is, can these types of diseases reside in carpet? Than answer is Yes and No! Actually, the answer to the question is more of one that only you can answer…yes you! The reason being, hygiene and home maintenance has a lot to do with whether these diseases reside within your residence or not. How clean you keep your little buddies home is super important!

Distemper is a viral disease in animals, especially dogs, causing fever, coughing and catarrh. This disease is contagious with no known cure. Having said that, here’s where your home hygiene comes into play. Distemper can be transmitted through fecal matter and urine. My point, having been in the carpet cleaning business for years, carpet is not the easiest for the consumer to clean on their own. Therefore, these types of issues sometimes get neglected. Any environment, harboring urine and fecal matter may cause distemper in your pet. This is why the proper carpet cleaning company, products and experience are important to eliminate harmful bacteria that cause disease.

Moving on, Kennel Cough is an upper respiratory infection in dogs. How is the disease transmitted? Kennel Cough is transmitted through airborne droplets produced by sneezing and coughing. These agents also spread through contact with contaminated surfaces…this includes carpet! As mentioned above, carpet cleaning is a super important part of your home cleaning regiment. Hot Water Extraction using super heated anti-bacterial properties and disinfectants reduces the chance of infection dramatically!

Rabies is a severe viral infection that affects the gray matter of a dogs brain. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. Infected animals spread the disease by biting another animal or person. You know where this goes next! Yep, if there is an infected animal licking furniture, carpet or anything that comes in contact with a human or animal is a potential risk. Having your carpet cleaned by a professional only can once again reduce the chances of transmission dramatically. Having said that, the rabies virus survives only a few hours outside the body under most normal conditions. Either way, the excess waste and contamination needs to be extracted to properly cleanse and sanitize the carpet back to normal.

Last, in reference to the internal and external parasites such as Fleas, Tapeworms and Heart worms, these can reside in carpet as well, but in a different way! Heart worm disease is transmitted by a mosquito that is carrying the heart worm larvae. Once again, mosquito’s and the larvae can potentially reside in carpet. This is also where fleas like to hang out. Fleas can jump from your pet to wherever they land! We get calls regularly for flea infestations in homes where the residents and pets are bitten by fleas causing irritation and disease in humans. The bottom line, all of the possible disease and infections discussed in this article can be reduced dramatically by cleaning your carpet regularly.