A lot of customers do not realize when you clean carpets there are a lot wicking as well. This is when the spots disappear at the cleaning but return after the carpet is dry. Most of us feel that the cleaning was not done properly but in essence it was. Many times, the spot that is being removed has seeped into the backing of the carpet. This is common with pet urine, beverages, and anything that is spilled in “volume”. The material dries in the backing and the cushion (pad) of the carpet. When the spot is cleaned, only the material in the “pile” of the carpet is removed. However, moisture is introduced to into the backing of the carpet. As the spot dries, the material that is in the backing of the carpet wicks back into the pile.
What to do: If you are dealing with a small spill, your first step is to blot up as much as possible. Use a clean towel then pile heavy books on top of it. If the stain reappears again, or if you are dealing with a much bigger spill, you may need to actually pull back your carpet to let the pad, and possibly sub-floor, dry out. There is a chance that your under pad will not be salvageable if the spill has permeated it extensively. Depending on the location of the spill, you may be able to simply cut out the damaged portion of pad and replace it with a new piece, but this is not advisable. It is very difficult to match under pad, not only in thickness but in density. Even if you know exactly what pad you had installed and can find an exact match, previously installed under pad will never feel the same as new, and you will likely notice a difference walking on it. Since you’ve pulled everything up, it may be a good time to invest in new padding. This can be too much work involved so always call your professional carpet cleaning company you can trust. Most carpet manufacturing companies recommend hot water extraction for all carpet cleaning services. This is the only true way to remove all dirt and bacteria from your home. This will help maintain your carpets and keep it in the shape you want for many years to come. You spent a lot for your carpets so keep it maintained on a yearly basis.
Helpful tips: Never accept a quote over the phone from a professional carpet cleaner because they do not see what you see. So never accept a quote over the phone. In most cases if they do quote you, it’s going to be a very low bid to get in your doors. This will cause a lot of headaches and frustration in the long run. It’s back to square one and you will have to start all over again. Most cases paying double for what you could have done right the first time around. A company that runs on good ethics and great customer service will tell you up-front they do not quote up front. If they do, run…It’s always good and safe to have someone who is willing to come take a look before giving you an honest accurate quote. You can have a professional carpet cleaning company that takes care of the stains properly.
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