Whiskey means “water of life.” Whiskey is one of the healthiest forms of alcohol today. Whisky and other grain derived alcoholic beverages were always regarded as beneficial to the human metabolism, if used in moderate amounts. Remember the word moderation. Don’t go crazy and drink more than what you normally consume. Health benefits are from drinking maybe a glass or two. Consumed in moderation whiskey has helpful benefits. Here are some tips you might not have none about whiskey.
No Fat/Low Carbohydrates -Whisky does not contain any fat, and can be used in any number of healthy low-fat diets today. Whiskey provides only few calories and contains zero fat and cholesterol, so there is no risk of chronic diseases caused by Trans and saturated fats. It aids digestion and can reduce appetite thereby prohibiting overeating. Standard shot of whisky contains only 0.04g of carbohydrates in form of sugar. They are immediately transformed into energy as soon they enter our digestive system.
Cholesterol/Stroke- Whisky decrease blood clots and increase of good cholesterol. It helps in preventing blood clot in the arteries thereby reducing the chances of strokes and heart attacks. Whiskey is high in antioxidants which help in restricting the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in the blood which causes heart diseases. It increases good cholesterol in the body and decreases the fat content in the arteries.
Dementia prevention – According to studies, moderate daily use of whisky can lower the risk of stroke and dementia for a 50% in the old age. Ethanol helps in the proper functioning of neurons in the brain and keeps them active. Extremely powerful in terms of fighting against free radicals within the body. These free radicals are often associated with interrupting neural pathways and contributing to the slow decline towards dementia.
Diabetes – Chances of developing diabetes lower by 30 to 40 percent with moderate use of whisky. In moderation it can improve your body’s ability to regulate insulin and glucose thereby lowering the possibility of developing diabetes.
Lower Risk of Cancer – According to several studies, whisky contains more ellagic acid in its structure, which is one of the important antioxidant compounds that destroy cancerous cells.
Prevents cold and flu- It can be used as cough syrup as relief from your itchy throats. Whiskey is most effective when taken along with hot water and lemon. It is advised to consume it in small quantities for better results.
Relieves Stress And Anxiety – Whiskey helps in reducing your stress and tension in a person. 1 or 2 servings of whiskey is advisable as it relaxes the nerves and slows down your brain activities to help you rest.
It’s important to drink whiskey responsibly, as alcoholism and binge drinking can be detrimental to your overall health. These are a few tips how whiskey can be beneficial to your health. As with all things, we must consume in moderation for the most effective impact on our bodies.
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