Whether its tea or coffee which is part of your morning ritual, it can easily be spilled onto your clean carpets. What you need to keep in mind if you happen to spill tea onto your carpet is to begin the cleanup process immediately! You want to work fast, because the longer you allow the liquid to sit on your carpet, the much more difficult it will be to remove it.

Things You Will Use:

–          A carpet stain remover

–          A couple clean white cloths/rags

–          Water

–          Distilled white vinegar (which is optional)


  1. Begin by taking a clean white cloth and try to blot up as much of the tea as you possibly can. Keep rotating the cloth to a clean spot, because you want to keep blotting until no more tea is transferred onto the cloth.


  1. Next, pour a small amount of water onto the stained area, and continue to blot up the liquids.



  1. Now, you want to follow the directions of the store bought carpet cleaner. They typically say it’s good to test a small spot before spraying more of the product onto the carpet. If the carpet cleaner passes the carpet spot test, then you will usually spray the product over the affected area, and allow it to sit for a little. Then, taking a clean white cloth, you will blot the stain.


  1. If remnants of the stain still appear on the carpet, you can try using a distilled white vinegar & water solution (use a 1:1 ratio). Remember to test a small spot on your carpet to ensure that bleaching won’t occur. If it passes the spot test, spray the solution onto the stain and allow it to sit and work onto the carpet for about 10 minutes. The blot of the remaining liquid from the carpet.


You don’t have to become unraveled if you spill some of your tea! Just remember to work quickly to ensure the best possible outcome for your carpet.