That beautiful new installed carpet you put in looks so plush and soft you want to keep everyone off it to keep it looking new.  Unfortunately you cannot avoid the everyday accidents that are going to happen.  Stains are going to happen no matter how hard you try to keep your carpets looking new.  It’s an issue that we homeowners have to face on a day to day basis.   Know how to handle some stains in the meantime will make your life little less stressed. Here the many different types of stains that you may come across every day.

Drink stains:  Colored drink stains from sodas and juice might be your main issue having small children in your home.  It is unmistakably impossible to keep this from happening. But adults have accidents too with coffee and red wine.  Keep calm and follow some simple tips.

  • Blot the soda spill immediately with a clean white cloth or paper towel without. You want to remove as much of the spilled liquid as possible before it soaks into the carpet. Be careful not to scrub the carpet with the cloth to avoid working the soda further into the carpet and damaging the carpet fibers.
  • Mix together 1/4 tsp. (1.23 ml) detergent, such as a dishwashing liquid, with 32 oz. (.94 L) lukewarm water in bowl or measuring cup if the soda spill is fresh. Use only 8 oz. (.24 L) water if it is a set in soda stain.  Add white vinegar and water to a bowl in a 1 to 2 ratio.  Dab a little of the detergent and vinegar solutions on an area of the carpet. Wait until the solution dries and then check to make sure there is no stain or lightening of the carpet.  Repeat process and make sure you never rub the cloth on the carpet fibers.

Candle wax:  This can be resolved as well.  Even with colored candles.

  • Gently scrape off the wax with a butter knife.  If the wax is still soft, place some ice on the wax to harden.  Vacuum off any bits that is loosen.
  • Set your iron on the lowest setting without steam.  Place a white cloth on the wax.   Gently press the tip of the warm iron over the waxy area until it melts and adheres to the cloth. Make sure to keep your iron moving in circular motions to keep from scorching the area.  Lift the rag to make sure the wax has adhered to the cloth.  Repeat again until all the wax has come off on your white cloth.
  • If the candle left a colored stain apply some rubbing alcohol and rinse with a sponge and little water.  Apply a dry cloth to remove the dampness

Pet Stains:  We love our pets but they can be a nuisance every day.

  • Remove the stain soon as you spot it with an absorbent paper towels to soak up the wet mess. The longer you let the stain sit on carpeting the worse the smell gets. Repeat the process with several new layers of paper towels or dry rags until there is little or no moisture left.
  • Mix half white vinegar and half warm water solution.
  • Scrub with a brush and work the mixture in the stain.
  • Blot well with white cloth or lots of paper towels.
  • Vacuum area to remove excess moisture
  • Apply baking soda over the area
  • Mix half a cup of three-percent hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent and pour over the baking soda.  Mix well together with baking soda and let it Sit and dry completely.
  • Vacuum the area thoroughly.

These are some simple tips you can do at home to remedy the solution before you have to call your professional carpet cleaner.  Remember not to use any chemical products because it can cause more damage to your carpets.  Sometimes they do make the stains worst.  Always let your professional carpet cleaner know what home remedies you have applied to the area for best results. But you can always get rid of stubborn stain on your own in the meantime.