Okay, company is coming over and your house smells like DOG URINE…what to do…what to do? Rip up the carpet real quick? Spray bottle after bottle of Febreeze? Oh yeah, let’s pour carpet fresh everywhere and see what happens! The answer is NO! Please stop now before you break the bank and contaminate your home even more! Please everyone, your just wasting MONEY and TIME…it’s not going to work! From candles to pet odor eliminators…not going to happen! Think of it like this, odor is the gift that keeps on giving! Unfortunately, many of you have probably learned this the hard way and realize it’s time to seek professional help. Is this true? Sometimes, yes…sometimes no! Either way, there are things that you can do in a jiffy to eliminate odor quickly!

Here’s the deal, many homeowners do what was discussed above. They throw everything from the local grocery store at the problem and them Pow…odor issue! Next, super stinky odor that you cannot get rid of! If the is the road already traveled then it’s too late! At this point, the carpet/upholstery is too contaminated to fix the issue! Having said that, my point is (repeated again) more is not better when it comes to odor control or removal. So, what are the options you do have? Let’s talk about it.

First, you must understand that odor comes (typically) from a bacteria of some kind. So, odor is bacteria or bacteria is odor…depends on how you want to say it really. So you should look at it from this perspective. Whatever originally started the odor issue (or developed over time) is leaving a bacterial residue behind causing the odor problem to grow. My point, consumer grade products do not contain properties to destroy odor causing bacteria…period! I will say that Lysol is not bad for a quick spray in a trash can or something, but not to spray throughout your home! What you want are natural products that DO NOT CONTAMINATE your home causing further odor issues! I know what your thinking, natural products do not work very well! This is not true if done correctly and with the understanding of how odor works. Odor becomes stronger with higher humidity in your home. Example, when it rains outside, you can smell the grass and trees. This is because the high humidity level increased the odor from the outside elements. The same is true in your home. You must bring down the humidity level in your home quickly and the odor will subside quickly…this is true for any odor! So if your thermostat is at 78 degrees, then bring it down to 68 degrees and the odor will start to dissipate. This will typically take an hour or so to work.


Next, natural solutions are good for odor control because they are not man made by-products from some chemical plant somewhere! Nature (not to sound weird) is full of odor eliminating resources such as lemons, limes and oranges. This is exactly what you should use in this situation to get rid of odor quickly! The remedy is COLD PRESSED ORANGE OIL (Organic). This stuff is amazing, not only does it over power most odors, but it’s 100% natural and packs a serious punch! This is the second key to eliminating odors quickly!


Directions for quick odor removal (temporary). As discussed above, this is a quick, in a flash solution those emergency situations (ie: company coming over etc…)


  1. Remove all Plug-Ins, candles or anything scented 2 hours before arrival.
  2. Turn AC thermostat to 68-70 degrees to bring down the humidity in the home (1-2 hours before arrival). Leave AC running the entire time needed
  3. Spray 100% Pure Organic Orange Oil (diluted to a 50/50 mix with cold water) in all rooms (3-4 sprays per room or until desired results are achieved)
  4. Ceiling fans running at full-throttle
  5. Vent home prior if needed
  6. CAUTION: Orange Oil if inhaled directly can burn eyes and nasal passages (do not over do it!)