There are many carpet cleaning companies in Dallas to choose from and choosing the right professional carpet cleaner can be confusing. The most important thing to consider is the method of carpet cleaning being offered. No matter what company you choose, be sure and choose a company that uses hot water extraction in Dallas, the best proven carpet cleaning method! Don’t be fooled by gimmicks. In the end, when paying for a professional carpet cleaning, be sure and get the best results you possibly can. The biggest benefit of hot water extraction, also known as steam cleaning, is the quality of cleanliness. When it comes to deep carpet cleaning and carpet stain removal, nothing comes close to the results of hot water extraction.

The name of the carpet cleaning method says it all-Hot Water Extraction. Let’s start with the most important element of our carpet cleaning process, the hot water! It’s a proven scientific fact that hot water cleans fibers better than cold water. The heat in the water, loosens soil and dirt from fibers, making the soiling easier to remove. The heat will also melt or loosen any body oils or grease allowing it to be extracted from the carpet fibers. This extra cleaning boost does not happen with cold water, there is no energy, no reaction taking place and therefore the soiling does not get loosened up as well in preparation for extraction. Plus, the heat used in steam cleaning also helps to sanitize the carpet, eliminating germs and odor-causing bacteria.

In addition, the extraction part is very important! Rather than just swirling dirt around or cleaning the surface of the carpet, hot water extraction will get deep down to the root of the carpet fibers. The suction from our hot water extraction carpet cleaning wands will suck up loose dirt, soil, pollen and dander. Eliminating allergens, odors and dust from the carpet is most effectively done by choosing the best professional hot water extractors in Dallas. No other method can rinse and flush the carpet fibers as well as hot water extraction can. Why take a chance with dry carpet cleaning, that will not rinse the carpet nearly as well? If you have carpet stains or heavily soiled carpet, choosing steam carpet cleaning or hot water extraction in Dallas is your best bet!

Given the large amount of carpet cleaning companies to choose from in Dallas, we recommend that all carpet cleaning consumers in Dallas use Hot Water Extraction as their preferred carpet cleaning method. Don’t just take our word for it! The recommendation from major carpet manufacturers such as Stainmaster and Shaw Carpet is to use steam cleaning or hot water extraction on a regular basis to maintain the carpet warranty. It is important to use hot water extraction regularly, even before traffic patterns and spots begin to appear, this is the best way to maintain and extend the life of your carpet. Be sure and choose the only carpet cleaning method recommended and required by most carpet manufacturers! Hot water Extraction is by far your best choice of carpet cleaning method so be sure and ask for it.