Dust Mites also called “bed mites”, can create a harmful environment right in your own living room or bedroom. Dust mites are microscopic little bugs that belong to the Arachnid family, that live off eating human and pet dead skin cells. Dust mites prefer temperatures above 70 Fahrenheit. Dust mites will die when air humidity levels drop below 40 to 50%. Dust mites usually live for 30 days. These critters actually do not bite people, but only cause harm to people with allergies. Dander can be found in your carpets, on various surfaces, mattresses, and frequently used furniture. An estimate of 100,000 mites can live in a square yard of your carpets. A mattress can contain thousands of dust mites. One single dust mite can poop up to 20 droplets a day. Household insecticides typically have no effect on the dust mites, so don’t waste your time. Dried dust mite feces are airborne whenever you shake bed linens, tread over carpeting or a rug, or site down on furniture. Many people are allergic to the compounds found in dust mite feces. To prevent dust mites, you need to focus on dust control (majority of particles floating in the air is actually sloughed off skin). As of today, there is not cure for dust mite allergies, only prevention.

Dust Mites prefer to live in warm, moist environments. Pillows and mattresses are prime dust mite spots. To prevent these little suckers from overtaking your bedroom, keep your bed linens clean by washing them at least once a week. It’s important that you wash your bedding in hot water, because dust mites can survive in cold water. It’s a good idea to buy dust mite covers for your pillows and mattresses. It’s also important to keep your carpets clean in order to keep dust mite numbers down. You will want to frequently vacuum and get your carpets professionally cleaned routinely. You will want a carpet cleaning company that specializes in “steam cleaning” or hot water extraction.  There are many reputable Dallas carpet cleaning companies in the area. If you have upholstery fabrics, you need to take your curtains down and give them a good wash. Also, saving up for an air purifier can help reduce dust populace.

The protein in dust mite poop creates antibodies in individuals who are allergic to these proteins. Some common symptoms of dust mite allergies include watering eyes, runny nose, asthma, sneezing, itchy mouth, throat, and hay fever.  Symptoms can worsen when there’s high humidity, poor ventilation, tobacco fumes (indoor), and high temperatures. Highest dust mite densities happen more in humid summer months, and least in the drier winter climates. Because of the large amount of free falling human and pet dander, dust mites have an abundant food supply. If you want to eliminate these critters, take the precautions needed in order to keep your home a clean one that is dust mite free. Also, find a Dallas carpet cleaning company to help keep your carpets in order.