These pesky little critters are a big nuisance to us all. So, how do we know for sure if its fleas that are giving us itching whelps? If something is biting you, your children and beloved pets, most likely you have fleas. If you find small red bites with whitish centers on your ankles and knees, you probably have flea bites. There are numerous ways to detect if you have a flea infestation in your home. You need to get a hold of the situation before it gets worst. Fleas become a huge problem in the spring and summer time when the weather starts to warm up. It takes 5-6 weeks for them to explode in the heat. So start taking preventative measures to help your family during the hot months.
Preventative measures: Always check your pets bedding or where they might be sleeping, if with you, your children or in their own beds. If you see black little specs that look like dirt it’s probably flea eggs these are fecal matter from adult fleas. We always mistake these from our garden dirt so we over look this always. Always remember if your pets are infested with fleas they will be very nervous, annoyed and scratching excessively. There will be eggs, larvae, and pupae wherever your dogs and children like to lie around or sit.
Pet Treatments are the first step: Must start at the culprit. Your pets are a huge feeding ground for fleas to feed and survive. The best way to get rid of fleas is to make sure your pets are protected with flea products such as Frontline, Advantage or any other lines from your vets. These products have been proven to kill fleas and it does work. Your pets should be protected year round to keep you and your family from harm. Always wash your pets bedding frequently in bleach to kill the fleas.
Treating your homes is 2nd best: BEST advice I can give you is to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum your homes frequently over and over again. I cannot tell you how important this process is. When you think you have done enough…just give it another go for good measure. Vacuuming will get up the flea eggs and larva that are imbedded in your carpets. This is one of the best ways to get rid of fleas. Not once a week but maybe on a daily basis if you are really serious of getting rid of them. Remember fleas love to thrive in dark places so let the sunlight in your rooms and open the blinds.
Treating your backyards: An insecticide will kill the fleas, while an insect growth regulator will prevent the fleas from reaching maturity. Make sure you spray the areas that your pets hang out most. Always remember to get the shady areas where there is no sunlight. That’s where they like to hang out.
Fleas do not have to ruin our family’s lifestyle but you do need to take some measures in keeping them in control. After all having your peace of mind that you and your family will be protected by taking some everyday measures to keep them at bay. Detecting them in the beginning will help make your family feel much better in the long run.
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