cat_pet_odorDoes your home have pet odors? Not from urine or feces, but from animals living in you home. The bottom line, does your home smell like a barnyard? If so, there are many things that contribute to the animal odor. Homes with carpet are more likely to have these types of issues due to the nature of carpet trapping the odors within the fibers. But, this type of problem can occur in any home with or wihtout carpet. Pet dander is the main cause of odor issues in your home. Dander is everywhere! Wherever your pet travels within your home there is going to be dander. So, this means your living room, dining room and living areas all have dander that builds-up through time. What is pet dander? Dander occurs naturally as the epidermis, or outer layer of skin grows new skin and sheds the old creating dander. All animals and even humans have dander. So, its part of a natural process, but there are things you can do to prevent the odor from beginning or removing odors that are already there. First, pet grooming is very important! This is a must! The basics are regular bathing and brushing. Pretty simple! This alone will help in reducing pet odors in your home. But, there are other things you can do to eliminate the odors completely. Here are some tips to remove pet odors from your home.

First, if you have carpet you need then it needs a thorough cleaning. Your carpet is one of the most used luxuries in your home. Therefore, it will most likely contain the most bacteria and dirt. So, using a reputable carpet cleaning company that uses (hot water extraction) method is going to be your best option. This method actually extracts the dirt, dander etc… from the carpet. Others leave the dirt and just spread it around. So use hot water extraction for pet odors. Once the carpet has been cleaned then you can move forward to the next step. Also, be sure to wash all clothing or linens that come in contact with your pet. Here are more tips for removing pet odor.

Things you will need:

5 gallon bucket
Spray Bottle
White towels (2)

Second, you need to mix a bleach solution in the 5 gallon bucket. Since dirt and dander contains living bacteria you need bleach to remove it! So, make sure to clean your home thoroughly! This means floors, counter tops, bathrooms, kitchen and all other areas where you or your pet has access. The point is to remove as much of the dander, loose hair and other contaminants as possible. If not, the odor problem will continue to get worse. Filling the spray bottle will help in reaching those tight places and hard to reach areas. Next, mop all floors with the bleach solution and let dry. Follow-up with a thorough sweeping of all traffic areas or continue until desired results are achieved. At this point, the odor should be removed! If not, continue this process until desired results are achieved.
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