Everybody wants beautiful green grass and for their landscape to look appealing. That is why artificial turf is becoming exceedingly more popular in residential homes. The appeal is definitely there. Saving time and money with eliminating the task of watering your lawn, not having to mow, and just knowing that your yard will look good no matter what. With this said, it might not be as dreamy as you may think. While artificial grass seems like a low maintenance option, it really does require certain upkeep. That being said, if your home consists of pets, it might not be the most sanitary option.
Let’s talk about some of the problems and upkeep that artificial turf can bring with its initial purchase. Firstly, artificial turf does not come without upkeep and maintenance. Unlike real grass, turf does not grow. Including this, when turf is installed, the area can not just be reseeded or brought back to life with work. It has to be completely taken out and redone. This may not sound like a big deal, but with changing weather and a busy household, your seemingly low maintenance decision could turn into a high cost decision. Real greenery has the ability to absorb, bounce back, and regrow when harsh weather or even pets come along and use the grass at their oasis. Artificial turf however, does not have that option. Now, speaking of pets, this brings about another issue with artificial flora. We all love our furry friends, but we know they have to go outside quite a bit to use the restroom. Some owners strictly take their pets on walks, others let them in the backyard or even front yard if they’re off leash trained, and some pet owners do both of these things. When it comes to our pets going to the bathroom, we as owners normally clean up after them. This is normally not a big deal as natural grass is part of the ecosystem and is designed to take things in and decompose of natural waste. As mentioned in the earlier section of this paragraph, artificial turf does not allow for that. This means that whenever your pets goes to the bathroom on your artificial lawn, the bacteria from that action is not absorbed into soil and decomposed. This can potentially be tracked into your home, and could not be as sanitary as you might have thought artificial grass was.
In conclusion, while artificial turf does seem like a dreamy option, you might not realize what you’re getting yourself into. While the majority believe that there is little to no maintenance involved with artificial turf, over time you will have to replace it. This can become costly as time goes on. Furthermore, we love our pets, but probably don’t want their waste being tracked into the place that we live. As always, if this is the option you choose, we don’t want you to be blindsided by potential care and future maintenance of artificial grass. We wish you the best in your lawn care endeavors.