There are hundreds of different stains and not all cleaning processes should be treated equally. The chemical makeup of some stains make it a little harder to clean up, and the cleaning process is more complex. Here are some tips for getting out the most common of household stains and spills. Pet stains are very important to eliminate because of the nasty bacteria that will harvest into your carpet. First, remove solid matter if possible. Use an over the counter carpet cleaning solution to get rid of the stains; they also sell a cleaning solution specifically for cleaning up pet urine. It’s very important that you clean up as much as you possible can because harmful bacteria will linger. If an odor is still left, use a carpet deodorizer to eliminate the strong odor.

Paint, oil and grease stains are some of the most difficult to remove.  If the stain is only a small, sizeable amount keep the area wet and covered with a moist towel to avoid drying. It is essential to keep the spot moist for as long as needed until the cleaners come. Call a professional carpet cleaner immediately!

Makeup has many different textures, and the cleaning process depends upon what type of makeup it is. Both liquid and powder types of makeup will leave a stain on the carpet; you need to determine the makeup’s oil content in order to sufficiently remove the stain. Powder makeup is typically non-oily. Liquid foundation, lipstick, and mascara have oil in it. Majority of stains can be removed by spraying a household carpet cleaner. Allow the carpet cleaner to sit for 10 minute and break the stains down, and this will cut down on having to scrub the carpet. After the stain is removed gently dab away the solution. For oil based cosmetics try using Goo Gone, if you don’t have Goo Gone try alcohol. Take a clean white cloth and moisten it with the alcohol, gently blot the lipstick stain.

Upholstery stains need to be treated more delicately because of the fine fabrics that are commonly used. First consider what kind of fabric your upholstery is, check with the manufacturer. For grease stains, first apply baby powder to absorb the grease. After the grease has soaked up, remove the powder then reapply. Before treating the stain, test a small piece of fabric to make sure it will not damage the furniture. After absorbing the stain, use a brush and gently scrub the area with upholstery cleaner. Dishwashing liquid also can work well to eliminate the grease. Continuously blot the excess cleaner with a damp cloth, repeat as much as needed. If the stain will not come out, call a professional carpet cleaning company that uses hot water extraction, this process will be the most effective and very gentle for majority of upholstery fabrics.

Ink, crayon, and marker stains may look look difficult to remove because of their dark pigment, but they’re actually one of the easiest stains to remove. Use an over the counter foam or dry chemical cleaner, and use as directed. If the stains haven’t set (dried) yet, the easier it will be to clean them up. You can also try using hairspray on the area, and wash after treating the area. For ballpoint ink, use rubbing alcohol on the stained area.

Food and beverage stains are the most common household spill, and most carpet cleaning products you can purchase at the grocery store will treat these. When cleaning simple spills try to remove all solids first, and pat dry with a clean towel .It’s important not to scrub, you can even fold up a towel and stand on it. For simple food stains use a good over the counter carpet cleaning solution. Coffee stains are very concentrated and will require a professional carpet cleaning. For best results use steam cleaning to penetrate the sub layer of the coffee stain.

So remember don’t get frustrated when trying to clean up spills, and  just identify what type of spill you’re dealing with. Then use whatever cleaning method is required for that particular stain.