Ringworm problem, there’s no fear…Aqualux Carpet cleaning is here! Yes, I know, what does a carpet cleaning company have to do with ringworm? Well, believe it or not, more than you would think! First, what is ringworm? Is it contagious? How do I get rid of ringworm in my home? If you’ve ever had ringworm before, these are questions that need answers. Well, we are here to do exactly that…answer your questions! Here we go, ringworm is a contagious itching skin disease the develops in circular patches, mainly caused by fungi and affecting your scalp, stomach and feet. And yes, ringworm is NOT a worm…it’s a fungus! And no, I don’t know where they got the worm part from! Here’s what I do know, ringworm is super contagious skin fungus that causes red, itchy circular patches on the body. Ringworm develops into a scaly, crusted rash that can last for months if not treated properly! The good news, ringworm can be treated quickly with antifungal medications (creams & lotions) to reduce the itching and remove ringworm completely! Now that you have an idea of what ringworm is, let’s discuss the carpet side of the issue. Oh, and did I mention, YOUR PETS CAN GET RINGWORM TOO (Hint: Carpet)!
Yes…oh…yes, Fido can get ringworm too! So, can Fido spread ringworm to humans, the answer is…yes! You’re probably saying “I Get It”, but why is a carpet cleaning company talking about it. The answer is, believe it or not, many doctors recommend having your carpet cleaned to assist in getting rid of ringworm! Yep, we get calls often from families that have infestations of different kinds…the spectrum is diverse! Here’s the whole point, ringworm spores can be found in carpeting, bedding, pet bedding and furniture! Yep, you got it, as Fido (or infected person) travels through your home and scratches, the spores are left behind. Next, if another person or animal comes in contact with the spores, they too can become infected with ringworm! Please understand, ringworm is treatable and can be cured quickly! But, there are concerns that should be addressed during the clean-up stages.
Unfortunately, carpet is where everything likes to settle. Gravity takes a toll on everything, from spilled drinks, to pet urine, everything settles in your carpet. This is the whole purpose behind vacuum cleaning systems to remove loose dirt and debris, therefore cleaning and removing contaminants from your carpet. The problem is, vacuuming is only going to do so much when it comes to “TRULY” sanitizing and “REMOVING” something such as ringworm spores from your carpet. Ya see, this is where Aqulaux Carpet cleaning can assist! Through the years, we have cleaned many homes with different needs and was able to fix the issue. Nothing is guaranteed, but having cleaned carpet for years, it DOES WORK if done properly! Here’s how the process works. In order to rid your carpet from bacteria, the carpet must be cleaned at 250 degrees plus to achieve sanitizing temperatures (only specific carpet cleaning systems can do this). Also, digestive properties and anti-bacterial solutions such as Microban (depends on specific need) will destroy and remove harmful contaminants such as ringworm spores. Once treated, carpet cleaning vacuum systems are powerful, removing soil contamination and ringworm spores into the systems waste tank. Other than specific products used, the carpet must be deep cleaned for a proper flushing of the carpet to ensure contaminants and residues are removed completely! Experience is important! Anybody can clean carpet, but was the carpet cleaned correctly to achieve a specific result? Were the proper products and dilutions used to have a successful carpet cleaning? Without jumping into the weeds, you get the point! Carpet cleaning “DRAINS THE SWAMP” from any bacterial or fungus issues that arise from an infected animal or human with ringworm. This also stands true for upholstery cleaning as well. The same result can be achieved successfully no matter type and style of furniture if cleaned and flushed properly!
In the end, ringworm is treatable for both humans and carpet. It helps to know what can and can’t be done in this type of situation. Overall, carpet cleaning campaigns for ringworm are usually successful and get good results. But, before having your carpet cleaned, be sure to seek medical attention from Fido’s veterinarian or your physician to start treatment to cure the ringworm first! Once cured, depending on the severity of the problem, then start the clean-up process washing all clothing worn, sheets, pet beds and attire. Next, move on to the larger areas such as carpet and upholstery.
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