Aqualux Pet Odor Issues

We love our pets … but they don’t always smell so fresh! Their scents can seep into your furniture and your carpet, creating an uninviting space for your guests. It doesn’t have to be this way! Below are the best ways to avoid pet odor issues in your home:

Brush your pet daily

This tip is especially important if you have a long-haired pet, but short-haired pets shouldn’t be neglected in this area. You’d be surprised how much odor gets trapped under your pet’s hair—no matter how short. You might view this as a chore, but your pet will love this hybrid form of petting and scratching! Making your pet happy can leave your home odor-free!

Bathe your pet as often as you can

We know firsthand that this is easier said than done. Between work, caring for kids and pets, and hobbies, it can difficult to find the time to remember to bathe your pet, let alone summon the energy in order to actually do it! Set consistent dates to bathe your pet at least once a month, or biweekly if you’re feeling ambitious.

Invest in perfumes for your pet

Don’t laugh! No matter how much pet shampoo you use, your pet may come out clean but smelling like a wet dog. If your pet isn’t dried properly (which can be difficult to do with long-haired pets), this scent will contaminate your furniture. You can buy various different types of pet perfumes at reasonable rates; there aren’t any toxic chemicals and your pet will smell fresh!

Let Febreeze® be your friend

You don’t have to use Febreeze® specifically; there are many different types of fabric deodorants to choose from. It’s fairly simple to find sprays that were designed to fight pet odor, too! During your daily (or, let’s be real, weekly) cleaning routine, just spray your upholstery to extract the pet odor.

Don’t let your pets sit on your furniture

It’s certainly nice to cuddle up with your pup or kitty after a long, hard day at work, but Fido and Fluffy have their own array of scents that linger in fabrics. Your upholstery traps pet hair in its crevices and stitches, leaving behind an unpleasant smell. If your pet doesn’t have one already, get them a bed of their own—one that’s easily moveable, so they can experience comfort in any room.

Take your pet to the groomer

Taking your pet to the groomers does more for your pet than make them cuter! Trimming long-haired coats can decrease pet odor in your home, too. But there’s something else your groomer does that you might not have known about: They express your pet’s anal glands, reducing the likelihood that your pet will express them on your carpet or upholstery.

Clean up pet accidents as soon as they occur

We cannot stress enough how important this is! We understand that this might not always be possible; if you have “inside” pets and they have accidents while you’re at work, you won’t be able to clean up the mess until you get home. However, if your pet does have an accident while you’re there, soak up as much of the urine as you can will a washcloth (pressing down into the carpet, rather than wiping at it), you can keep it from soaking into your padding. If the padding absorbs the urine, the smell of ammonia will permeate your home, and—worse—your pet will return to that spot again.

If you’re not able to clean up accidents on time, it’s best to call a certified steam-cleaning service that specializes in pet urine and odor remediation—like Aqualux Carpet Cleaning!

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