How to Maintain Your Lawn in Order to Protect Your Carpet

Believe it or not, how you care for your lawn actually has a huge influence on how well you can maintain your carpet. Careless feet can tread over grassless matches, tracking in dirt clumps or slippery mud, through your flooring. Walking over wet grass also brings with it the possibility of creating grass stains in your carpet.

The best way to keep your carpet clean and looking its best is to take preventative measures against any weathering. In next week’s article, we’ll discuss preventative measures you can take in your daily life to protect your carpet, but today we’ll discuss how to properly care for you lawn so as not stain, flatten or mildew your carpet fibers and padding.

Stop Over-Watering

You may think that you only have to worry about tracking mud into your house when it rains, but the truth is that you could be making more mud than nature does. You might actually be over-watering your lawn or watering it at the wrong time. An average-sized lawn only needs about an inch of water each week, and the best time to distribute this inch of water is in the morning. This way, the moisture has all day to soak deep into the soil in order to provide your grass with adequate nutrients. The sun will evaporate the extra dew droplets, making it less likely for you to unknowingly welcome mud or grass stains into your home.

… And Under-Watering

On the other hand, it’s possible that you might not be watering your lawn enough and, therefore, starving your grass of the valuable nutrients it needs to grow tall, green and lush. Under-watering also causes your grass to stop growing in places. Rather than tracking in wet mud, you’ll be tracking in clumps of dirt that will mesh into your carpet fibers, making it difficult to vacuum them out. When it doubt, remember the one-inch rule we mentioned before.

Prepare for the Seasons

Consider that there are at least two big rainy seasons during the year and prepare for them. Check the weather each night before you go to bed. Is there a good chance that there will be rain the next day—and a lot of it? Turn off your sprinklers. This not only saves you the heartache of having to scrub mud out of your carpet, but is also saves you money on your water bill.

Contrarily, during the summer (especially in Texas), the sun can be just down-right cruel to your greenery. If there aren’t any serious water restrictions in your neighborhood, try watering your lawn just a little extra on particularly smoldering summer days.

Protect Your Entry Way

Although you may know to take the long sidewalk to your front door from the driveway (leaving mud and all its carpet-ruining acquaintances out in the cold), your kids or house guests may not see the big deal in taking a short-cut across your lawn. You can’t stop this behavior, unfortunately, but you can make it easier for your guests to cross, cleanly, from your driveway to your entrance by setting a small stone path between these two points.

Preparation and caution can keep your carpet looking fresh throughout the year; however, your carpet will look its best and last the longest if you have your carpet regularly cleaned by professionals like Aqualux Carpet Cleaning. We’ll use our custom equipment and environmentally-friendly cleaning solution to clean and sanitize your home. Check out our monthly specials and then call our email us ( to schedule an appointment today!