A simple way to go green, but also saving a good amount of money is to stop going out to eat frequently, and cook more meals at home.
You also want to buy whole foods such as legumes, vegetables, grains, and minimally processed foods. A rule of thumb is stay away from foods with a long list of complicated ingredients. If you don’t recognize, or can’t pronounce certain ingredients, then don’t buy it. The United States is known for being “The processed food nation”. You want to stay away from processed foods. Processed food is made from actual food that has underwent a devitalizing chemical processes and is infused with preservatives and chemicals.
Preservatives are additives that are used to prevent foods from spoiling. Many processed foods contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, and saccharine. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to allergies, behavioral problems, and hyperactivity.
Flavorings are another common ingredient used in processed foods. Artificial flavors have been linked to allergic and behavioral issues. Another popular flavor enhancer is MSG or Monosodium Gluatamate. MSG can cause depression, chest pains, dizziness, mood swings, headaches, and a potential neurotoxin.
Also use non-toxic food storage containers such as glass, stainless steel, and ceramic over any kind of plastic containers. The most important health concern is plastic food containers can leach chemicals into your food. Plastic containers that are marked with either Recycling code No. 7 or 3 commonly have a chemical called bisphenol-A, which can cause hormone disruption. Also, always avoid microwaving or cooking in plastic containers since chemical leaching is more likely.
It’s beneficial to stock reusable items. Disposable napkins, cutlery, cups, and plates are only adding more waste to our landfills. The earth-friendly choice is to use reusable items.
Do not use toxic pesticides in your kitchen. There are many harmful chemicals in strong pesticides on the market today. If your household has small children or pets, pesticides are never good to use due to health concerns.
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