Cats are generally considered to be low-maintenance pets. They don’t have to be walked and are trained to use litter boxes. But they can be temperamental creatures. If your kitty is in a bad mood or not feeling well, he may urinate on the carpet. Or even worse, the cat may spray. Cats spray to mark territory and male cats do it to assert their masculinity. Getting rid of these foul odors is a must. Some would say, cat spray and urine is the worst possible smell to live with.

First of all, you may want to try and figure out why your pet is misbehaving. Be sure he has easy access to the litter box and keep it as clean as possible. If you have more than one cat, be sure each has his or her own litter box. Cats can be fussy, they may not want to share, use a dirty box, or they may even dislike the particular brand of kitty litter you use. If your feline friend is feeling stressed, be sure and pay attention to him. Praise your pet and keep it entertained with cat toys and scratching posts. A bored, neglected or jealous cat may just act out by urinating on the floor or spraying.

Introducing a new pet to your home can cause anxiety for a territorial kitty. Even seeing other cats outside can cause a well-behaved cat to all of a sudden start spraying. You may want to limit the cat’s access to large windows or keep the shades drawn. All cats, especially males, should be neutered to cut back on the likelihood that spraying will become a problem.

When you come across a recent spot of cat urine on your carpet, the first thing to do is soak up as much as you can with paper towels. For a home-made solution, create a mixture of half white vinegar and half water. Vinegar will neutralize the odor. Spray this solution deep enough to penetrate, and cover all the affected area. Then use the blotting technique with paper towels again to absorb all the moisture. Once the carpet is dry, sprinkle some baking soda on the area. Baking soda is known to absorb odors naturally. Let that sit for at least 1 hour, then vacuum it up. This should remedy any recent cat urine spot! If you have old spots of cat urine, use a blacklight to find them, then start with the vinegar and water treatment.

Cat spray can be a little more difficult to treat, because the spray usually goes vertical onto walls, curtains, or furniture. You can make a spray bottle of the vinegar and water solution or purchase a good cleaner with enzymes to kill the odor. Always test any cleaner on a small spot to avoid damaging fabrics. But whatever you do, never use ammonia. It smells very similar to cat urine. Cats can detect the odor and may remark that spot to reclaim territory.

Never strike out at the cat or get angry, this may just stress him out even more. Just be vigilant and try and find out the reason why your kitty is acting out, this may be the only solution to your cat odor problem. If you suspect a physical ailment, please take your pet to a veterinarian to be sure there are underlying health issues.