We love our pets, but sometimes they “oops” on the carpet. Pet stains can be some of the worst types of stains to have. These types of stains need to be handled correctly or they can get worse and continue to smell. Fecal matter isn’t just stinky—it can contain all kinds of organisms, including E. coli.
Pet urine smells because bacteria feed on the moisture. The ammonia smell comes from decaying urine, urine salts and the bacteria. The bacteria will continue to grow as long as there is a food source or moisture. The smell can also contaminate your clothing and furniture, and it is not safe for the respiratory system.
There is hope for even the dirtiest carpet. Call Aqualux’s pet stain and odor removal experts. Our techs are armed with the best anti-bacterial product on the market: Aquamaxx Anti-Bacterial Solution. It is proven to instantly destroy odor-causing bacteria, not just mask the smell with deodorizers and perfumes. Our powerful, high-pressure truck-mounted cleaning system used with the Aquamaxx Anti-Bacterial Solution will get rid of your pet stain and odor troubles once and for all.
How It Works
The bottom line is that pets aren’t perfect. They do get sick, or have accidents on the carpet every now and then. Spot cleaning as you go is always best. However, if you feel that the mistakes are adding up and you just can’t stand that dirty carpet anymore, then now is the time to call for professional help. Let Aqualux get your carpet back to a family-friendly, odor-free environment.

Where do I begin? I’ve searched the websites for a quality, well-reputed cleaning company that can specialize in pet urine treatment and removal. I have cats and well there was a small area on the couch where one of them relieved themself.In comes Aqualux into this review where the professional website that was working at that moment in time had rave reviews (possibly written by friends I’m thinking now) and a certain sense of professional demeanour radiating from the site. My speculation was moreso confirmed when I spoke with a Brent Scone ,or something to that extent (the owner) ,and I left the call feeling like I was with a professional and friendly company. He was fast and quick over the phone in giving me the quote which wasn’t the best around town ($79.00 for two rooms and $119 for upholstery) but also thoroughly explained the cleaning process that makes them unique and different from the rest. Sure Sure… whatever you say. You’re the professional and I’m hiring you. I’ll take you for your word. The bill came to a little over $210 when everything was all said and done. The carpets were flawlessly clean. 4 stars for getting the job done. Would have been 5 if things started off better and you’ll know why when you read on. The rug (which he was kind enough to throw in there since he said that was an additional charge) was like new and mind you it was all white and ready to be discarded.
Appointment was set for 1:30. Usually any service professional and I mean any service including my delivery for food calls when they are at the door, when they are on their way to residence, or when they have arrived in front of complex (usually asking for the code to get into the gates or to have us beep them in). It was 1:30 and I’m waiting for the call. I receive the call at 1:40 from the tech. who had an attitude on the phone stating he was at door. I asked if he knocked and he said twice. I said ok. I’ll be at the door and then he asked if we were still on for 1:30. I said yes and why do you ask? He said because no one answered the door. I told him that typically most any technician or service professional calls in advance to inform the client that they are on the way or that they are arriving or have arrived. I apologized for not hearing the door knock since I was three rooms away but you can tell how the mood in this service job has already begun. I race to the door to open it and lo and behold is an Aqualux guy pimped out in their Aqualux gear. Ok . Good. glad that its not someone who doesn’t look professional and that they’re not serious about their job.
It was probably one of the most awkward moments of me opening my door. Why? This guy just stood there sort of on defensive angry stance and just looking at me like …. “you muthaf*Cka” I’ve been knocking on the door. You can’t open the door? You dont want the door open?” Think about a Happy Gilmore scene. He didn’t look as friendly as I expected at that moment. I’m even thinking I should be ready to slam this door. I allow him in cautiously. I show him the area. He inspects it. He goes down to get the equipment but before he does he keeps complaining about how his equipment is heavy and that my apartment is on the third floor. He asks in a stern voice “Did you tell them that you live on the third floor?”.. I was a bit confused at that point because now he’s complaining, had attitude on the phone, had a very unfriendly dememanour at the door upon entering, and now questioning me about my third floor and his equipment being heavy. I responded ” They never asked if I lived on a third floor” and I really saw no issue because all the other professional carpet cleaners in the area didn’t ask either. At the same time I kept thinking how this guy also sounds like the owner I spoke with on the phone. Anyways, the guy has now entered back into the apartment with his equipment. I told him, ‘You know you can leave if you feel that this is going to be a problem for you” He responded that it was ok. At this point things took the turn for the better. He was polite thereafter. I really thought it was a two-person team that would come to my apt. but nope it was just this guy and you know what?? He did do a good job. Not a great job but good. Didn’t fully cover some parts of carpet but I know he would if I told him yet the areas not covered were under furniture and I knew it was too heavy to move on his own without damaging it possibly (hence why it is preferred that there be a two-person team). He went over the couch twice; first time didnt do it. After he left the smell reappeared but not as strongly. Not sure if you can entirely remove it. In the end he was nice & polite. Reassured us. Online coupons are worthless bc our tech said price reflects discount. I’ll consider them again.
If you have a pet who has made a mess in your house or some other carpet catastrophe, make these guys your first call — particularly if you have carpets that have wool blends, silks and even your orientals. They are professional, reliable and so courteous — they will be very straightforward with what they can and cannot do but their results, even with some very challenging carpet types have been spectacular. Richard, our technician, was very thorough as to what we could expect. This is every pet owners best friend!
Called Aqualux for a barbecue sauce stain and a spot my new dog left on our floor (had heard they are good with pet stains/odor). Brent made some time the same week to come out and take care of the spots. The dog urine stain was completely gone, and he also completely removed the barbecue sauce stain, which he said was actually dog vomit (my dog had been sick a few weeks prior). He even cleaned the rest of the floor for good measure to make sure there was no pet odor. Super satisfied and they will definitely be my go-to carpet cleaners in the future.